The Universal Communication Controller (UCC)
is a stand-alone, 8 channel, high-speed
serial interface with conversion capabilities
to a variety of military standard protocols
(e.g. Link-1, Link-11B etc). It provides
interfacing from synchronous serial interfaces
to systems equipped with a standard asynchronous
serial communication port. The UCC provides
an easy migration/integration path into
existing systems because of the unit's data-transparency.
Universal Communication Controller can be
used as a format converter from synchronous
serial data to asynchronous serial data.
If there is a requirement to replace systems
based on H5118 with COTS equipment, the
UCC is an excellent choice. Whether there
is a need to replace a Link-1/Link-11B etc
system, or the necessity to simulate these
systems with COTS equipment, the UCC can
provide a solution in these situations.
HIT Interface Controller (HIC) is
a stand-alone, high-speed transparent
serial interface to the HIT. The HIT
normally provides IJMS messages through
a proprietary synchronous interface.
The HIC provides interfacing from
the HIT proprietary interface to systems
equipped with a standard asynchronous
serial communication port. The HIC
provides an easy migration/integration
path into existing systems because
of the unit's data-transparency.
HIT Interface Controller can be used
as a direct replacement for the interface
to the HIT. Whether there is a need
to replace the CCIU-A <->H5118
combination or a need to integrate
the HIT into new developed systems
(for instance a SIMPLE gateway), the
HIC can provide a solution in these
situations. When connected to a system
running simulation-software, the HIC
can even simulate the HIT (and thus
in this way create a capability of
sending simulated data into a HIT-message
processing system). |